
Project aims

"COIN DESC: Corrosion inhibition and dealloying descriptors" is a basic research project targeted at (1) the design of corrosion resistant copper-based alloy systems by using corrosion inhibitors and at (2) deepening the mechanistic understanding of corrosion inhibition.

The specific innovation objective of the project is to identify the physically-sound corrosion inhibition and dealloying descriptors, depending on the metallic material and environment to which the material is exposed. Such descriptors are mandatory for the construction of a new corrosion inhibitor virtual design framework which will allow a faster and more rational based screening of new specifically designed corrosion inhibitors with superior characteristics. These principle objectives will be achieved by means of an iterative learning, synergistic modelling-experimental approach pursuing the ICME (Integrated Computational Materials Engineering) oriented paradigm, consisting of multi-scale modelling and simulation, chemical synthesis of new materials, multi-scale experimental analysis and testing, and validation.

